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November Resits and Mocks

November 2020 Exam Timetable (1)

Dear Parent/ Carer,

2020 November GCSE & Mock Exam arrangements


By now, all students will have had their Statement of Entry for the November GCSE resits and Pre-Public Exams (Mocks) identifying when and where each exam is to take place and how long it is.  This has been emailed to them.

As a reminder we have attached the timetable showing you the dates and times of all the exams taking place during the week after Half term from Monday 2nd through to Monday 9th November. Students have gone through this in their Academic Mentor sessions and planned out a schedule for revision. Please encourage them to share this with you so they are clear how they are going to prepare for their exams. Please help us and them by highlighting on the attached timetable when their specific exams will be taking place and provide frequent reminders so these arrangements are clear.

Students with access arrangements (e.g. extra time, use of a word processor) will have received a separate personalised timetable which lists the special arrangements to which they are entitled. In addition students have been asked to check the spelling of names and dates of birth are correct so that certificates will be accurate. If you do not receive a letter with these by this weekend, but have in the past been entitled to special arrangements, please email me as a matter of urgency.

Teachers have been asked to provide revision materials to support students prepare for their exams. If a student has missed these lessons then they should email their teachers to request guidance now.

Can I please ask that you make sure students are fully prepared for exams. They will need to plan to bring all the equipment they need to take the exams. Due to Covid restrictions we cannot lend pens and equipment such as calculators so it is important students prepare themselves for this. In addition they should ensure they bring a transparent pencil case, a clear bottle of water and as always, bring a mask to be warn around school and a plastic bag into which this can be deposited when not in use. Since last year students have not been allowed to wear watches into the exam room and of course phones must be switched off and left in their bags.

To ensure students and invigilators are socially distanced and we follow the correct procedures in relation to Covid, please reinforce the importance of turning up on time for all exams.

  • For early morning exams students should be lined up outside Cabot Eye by 8:45 am.
  • For exams in the afternoon students should arrange to meet outside Cabot Eye by 12:45
  • On the Friday when we have exams after breaktime, students will need to be lined up outside the Eye by 10:35am.


Thank you for supporting us and them in preparing for their forthcoming exams and we look forward to making this a positive and successful experience that will help develop the confidence and help prepare them for the future.


Yours faithfully,


M Elliott

Mr M Elliott
Associate Assistant Principal, CLF-Post 16, matt.elliott@clf.uk, 0117 9882525