Academy Council
Governance within a multi-academy trust
Post 16 Academy is part of the Cabot Learning Federation, a multi-academy trust that is responsible for a number of academies across Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Gloucester and Somerset. Governance for a multi-academy trust operates at two levels. At trust level, there is a Board of Directors. The directors are accountable to the Department for Education and external government agencies, including the Charity Commission, for the quality of the education the trust provides and the effective use of the associated academy funding. They are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, financial probity, safety and good practice. The Board is provided assurance on a number of these areas through various sub-committees, as shown in the diagram below. Visit the CLF website for more information about the board.
At a local level, each academy has an Academy Council comprising of up to 9 Academy Councillors. Academy Councils are responsible for holding Principals and their leadership teams to account for the quality and effectiveness of the academic experience of the students under their care with the aim of securing effective school improvement. They do this through monitoring performance against an annual academy improvement plan, through monitoring risks and responses to risks, and by overseeing systems and processes for the safeguarding of children and the health, safety and wellbeing of academy staff.
Dereth Wood – Chair and Sponsor 1 – Safeguarding Link
I started my career as a maths teacher initially in Kenya through VSO and then in East London. After a few years I moved on to work in the voluntary sector for CSV managing adult learning and enterprise programmes.
My next step was into planning and managing adult learning, careers programmes and lifelong learning provision as Director of Education for Avon TEC. As the use of the internet and now the web has grown and transformed our everyday lives, I was attracted by the potential of online blended delivery of learning as a new way to support learning for adults and in 2005 took up a role with learndirect.
I worked as a Director of learndirect for 15 years and led Operations, Customer Service Learning Design teams. I am now semi-retired and working as a strategic advisor focussing on designing Apprenticeship opportunities with large companies. In recent years, I was part of the national Commission for Adult Vocational and Technical Learning.
I have lived in South Bristol for the last 25 years and have 2 sons who are in further and higher education.
Caroline Black – Sponsor Councillor
I used to work as a primary school teacher but now help refugees and asylum seekers with their reading and writing skills. I also volunteer at the Square Food Foundation in Knowle. I have four grown up children. I love travelling, reading, cooking, knitting, swimming, walking and going to the gym.
Bob Thompson – Sponsor Councillor
Chartered Engineer and Project Professional at UK MOD providing specialist support to the Defence Equipment portfolio. His background bridges Cyber, Space and Intelligence systems with a focus on Surveillance & Communications. He works with Industry, across Government and with International partners. He is a product of the DESG Student & Graduate scheme and has enjoyed placements and postings in Germany, Cyprus and Washington DC. Now settled in Bristol, married to Tracy with one daughter and the dog. His hobbies include water sports (preferably sub-surface), food and travel. He is passionate about developing others, particularly in STEM subjects and recently joined the Cabot Learning Foundation as a Councillor for Post 16 (Sixth Form) where he hopes to focus on promoting the skills leading to apprenticeships and technical professions.
Isabel Hopwood – Sponsor Councillor
Adeline Okpiyalele – Support Staff Councillor
Lisa Kelly – Teaching Staff Councillor
I started at Post 16 in August 2020 as a Support Worker, facilitating independence and access for SEND Students. Within this I specialise in 121 sessions with students who have anxiety and/or Mental Health Issues. My role has now diversified, and I co-teach Health, Social and Childcare at Level 2 as well as Cover Teach where needed.
I am excited to be part of the Academy Council and feel that I can bring knowledge, experience and energy to the meetings.
Vacancy – Sponsor Councillor
Vacancy – Parent Councillors
Vacancy – Parents’ Voice Councillor
Charlotte Seavill – Clerk
Should you have any queries or questions for our Academy Council please contact Charlotte Seavill [email protected]
Register of Academy Council Pecuniary and Business Interests with meeting attendance 2024-2025