Important: Testing and return to school
Dear Parents/carers
Thank you for your patience as we work to understand and implement the government guidance on testing ahead of the return to site.
You will find below more information about our detailed plans for returning to site.
Covid-19 testing
We are offering all staff and students the opportunity to be tested to make sure that they are not infected with Covid-19 without knowing it. Whilst these tests are not compulsory, we strongly recommend them for all in order to increase the safety for all staff, students and our community.
All students will be able to book three tests on site before switching to testing at home. These tests will take place on Monday 8th, Thursday 11th and Tuesday 16th March.
In order to facilitate the first day of tests, there will be no teaching on the 8th, either online or on site.
Lessons will start again on site at JCA and BBA according to normal timetables on Tuesday 9th March.
Students have received the links to the consent form and to the bookings site via their Post 16 email address. All students will need to fill in the consent form, whether or not they give consent, as this is required for our records.
Please could you ensure that your son/daughter has filled in the consent form, whether or not they consent, and booked their tests if they do consent.
Return to onsite lessons
Assessments and coursework, with some lessons, will continue to take place as planned up to and including Friday 5th March.
Staff testing will also be taking place during this time period.
Monday 8th March will be a non-teaching day to allow students to be tested easily.
Tuesday 9th March will see lessons resume on site at both JCA and BBA according to normal timetables. Please note that for staffing reasons some lessons may still be online, however students will be informed of this and will be able to access these lessons from JCA or BBA if necessary.
Please note that the 17th March will no longer be an Inservice Day as this has been moved to later on in the year. Further information on this will follow.
Expectations of students on site
Once we have returned to onsite lessons, all students will be required to meet the following expectations:
- All students must wear a face mask when inside and if unable to maintain 2 metres social distancing. This includes when moving around corridors, sitting in lessons and during social times when indoors
- All studens must maintain excellent hand hygiene, washing their hands or using hand sanitiser when entering or leaving a space. All students will also be expected to sanitise any touch points (such as chairs and tables) when leaving a space
- Students must remain 2 metres away from staff members and uniformed students at all times. Students must also make every effort to remain 2 metres away from other students and must wear a mask where this is not possible.
Students who attend site on Monday 8th for testing will be given this information during a student induction meeting that will follow their test. This information will also be shared with all students via emails, Academic Mentoring sessions and assemblies.
At home testing
Following their three tests on site, students will be given a kit to allow them to test themselves at home. Further information on this will be provided.
Exams and assessments
We are still analysing the implications of the government’s recent announcements concerning Teacher Assessed Grades and will be in contact with you shortly with further information.
If you have any questions or require any further information about the above, please contact us on info@clfpost16org or ring us on 0117 9882525.
Warm wishes,
The Post 16 team