Newsletter and Term 3 Arrangements
Dear Parents and Carers
We recently shared a copy of the students sitting January external exams a timetable, access arrangements and a letter explaining the process for the January season which runs from 10th January – 21ST January 2022. Students will have been provided with some revision materials from their teachers. If you have any queries over these arrangements, please email [email protected] . I enclose an overall Timetable of the January exams too for reference.
Keeping Safe
I have shared with all students a `keeping safe` ppt and video to support them to make good choices through the winter holiday and keep safe. The video reflects topics surrounding Drug and Alcohol awareness, Cyber safety, caution with their money, top tips for a good mental health and a richness of support helplines should they need it.
Wednesday 5th January
All students are required to complete an onsite lateral flow COVID test on their return to school in January and this will take place in their first lesson or they can book into the Eventbrite link if they do not have lessons on this day. Lessons will run as normal on this day and students will have additional time to revise with their teacher and peer group to get ready for exams.
Thank you for supporting us and them in preparing for their forthcoming exams and we look forward to making this a positive and successful experience
COVID Measures
We hope to return as normal on site in January but will update you with any new information and guidance as this is shared by the government. All students and staff are expected to continue to wear masks, keep rooms ventilated and hold strong hygiene measures whilst on site.
In January we will be operating a strict expectation surrounding punctuality to lessons. Students will not be permitted into lessons if they are more than 15 minutes late to a lesson (teachers will not allow entry) and they will be expected to work in the eye the independent study space for the remainder of their lesson. They will also be expected to attend a progress catch up workshops if they accumulate more than 30 minutes late in any week.
As part of our Keeping Children Safe policies we expect students to wear their personal ID badges and lanyards at all times. This has become a challenge for some students who repeatedly leave their lanyard at home, so from the start of term 3 we will be asking students to return home to collect their lanyard if they arrive on site without it. We will notify parents if this happens.
We are also delighted to share with you our end of term newsletter. It contains a lot of information, updates and good news from our students.
Thank you again for all your support over the past term, we wish you a restful break and look forward to seeing you again in the new year.
Yours faithfully
Kath Cooper