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Alongside quality-first teaching CLF Post 16 offers students who have additional SEND needs bespoke support and a personal student support plan that is circulated to teaching staff to ensure that the student’s needs are met inside and outside the classroom. 

Students with SEND benefit from: 1:1 support from a senior learning support assistant, group tutoring support, mentoring, study skills sessions. Confidence building programmes and counselling services are available. 

Access arrangements for exams are assessed and supported by the SEND and pastoral team to ensure equity and equality within the CLF Post 16. 

If you are concerned that your son/daughter requires additional needs for learning or support with literacy, numeracy, exams access or general support please contact general enquiries at CLF Post 16 on 0117 9882525. 

The SENCO at CLF Post 16 is Lana Crosbie

The CLF Post 16 provides study programmes from two Local Authorities. Both Authorities have published their local offer of SEND at the following sites:

Local SEND offer from South Gloucestershire Council 

Local SEND offer from Bristol City Council 

CLF Post 16 SEND policy

A parent guide to – The Disabled Student Allowance

Equality Objective Summary 

  • Equality Objective 1: 
    • Reduce gap in attainment and progress between students with an identified SEND need and their peers. 
  • Equality Objective 2: 
    • Reduce the gap in attainment and progress between students who are classed as ‘disadvantaged’ and their peers. 
  • Equality Objective 3: 
    • To narrow the gap in attendance rates between disadvantaged students and other students in the Academy. 
  • Equality Objective 4: 
    • To train staff on how to respond effectively to prejudice-related bullying 
  • Equality Objective 5: 
    • To promote cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.